Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

They are Here!

To me, getting a package in the mail is almost as exciting as opening a present at Christmas. When I saw this package on our front doorstep I rushed to it and opened it as quickly as possible. My new business cards were here! I'm so pleased with the design, thanks to my designer Tara Peterson of Stupendous Design. She's pretty much amazing! If you have any design needs I highly recommend contacting her. She's laid back, creative, super friendly and just really easy to work with.

Anyways, on to the cards. My first business cards I had were tiny, small and filled with pictures. They worked well for what I was doing before. But my needs have changed. For these new cards I wanted a simple and sleek design and I think the new ones match just that!

So now I begin working on my other marketing materials, but I think I have a great base started with these cards. Enjoy!

Here are the original cards. I ordered them from Moo Prints.


And now the NEW cards!



Check out this super cute business card holder that I bought at Target !
