Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Life Captured: Tricia's At Home Portraits

Tricia just glows. From her head to her toes she exudes happiness and excitement about her little man who will enter the world in the next few months. Moose, as they call him until he is born, (they are waiting to tell people the name they have picked) is an active little fellow, even posing for pictures during the session, according to Tricia. He was kicking and rolling all around. What a ham already! It's plain to see how much TJ and Tricia already adore their little one. What joy it is to see two parents, who deeply love each other and the life they have created together. It really is wonderful to witness. TJ and Tricia, thank you for letting me document this special time in your life! What an honor. I cannot wait to meet little Moose and squeeze his little cheeks! JP9C0018JP9C0038JP9C0087JP9C0088JP9C0131JP9C0974JP9C1000JP9C1090JP9C1180JP9C1252JP9C1356JP9C1429JP9C1506

Please enjoy a slideshow of their session!

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