Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Camping and Williamsburg

So were back from Virginia and slowly getting life back to normal. Apparently I like to catch colds when we fly and have been recovering of the past few days. And then I got Dave sick. It's been a cranky time in the Parker's household, let me tell you! We had a great time camping with Amy and Jon, and like I predicted this trip was not short on laughs and good times. And while we had a great time with each other, the camping bit left a little to be desired

I'm still not sure about my feelings of camping. Unfortunately for my husband, the world's most outdoorsy man, I still am finding my comfort zone with the great outdoors. While I loved being outside, I don't like all the things that come with that, particularly the bugs. And let me tell you, Virginia has some BIG bugs. Ick. I shiver just thinking about it.

So while we love our friends and I love my hubby, our next camping trip probably won't be for some time.

While camping we took two days to explore Colonial Williamsburg. Williamsburg was actually a favorite spot of my grandparents so I've grown up hearing about this wonderful place but had never visited. I didn't realize how awesome this place is! If you're a history junky like me and love the whole history immersion thing this is definitely a place to visit. AND as a side note, I had mentioned to Dave how I'd LOOOOVE to shoot a wedding here and right after I said that we walked past a beautiful wedding party on their way to take pictures. So all you brides out there, get married at Williamsburg and hire me! ;)

Williamsburg is not short on things to look at and photograph. I took a bunch of images so please enjoy them below.