Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Just For Fun

Just for fun, I put together a collage of some of my favorite wedding and engagement images from the past year or so. Just trying out a few new things. It's kind of fun to see all of my favorite images together, in one place. I start to see trends and themes repeated in images, like romance, love, softness, you get the idea. I love couples to just be in the moment, so I loosely pose the couples together and let magic do the rest:) Some of these couples are engaged, some are married and some are even starting families of their own. Enjoy these little vignettes of these very special couples:) *Disclaimer, this post is a little jumbled as I am watching a VERY funny episode of the Office. What can I say, Steve Carrell is distracting!*