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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

The Bookworm Club: Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler

I love a great story. And let me tell you, the story of Darlene Deibler's experience in World War II is a GREAT story. I love reading memoirs. My life has been changed by reading books like Chasing the Dragon, The Hiding Place, Shadow of the Almighty and more. There is just something so powerful about a first person experience documented for the world to experience.

I felt as if I was with Darlene as she suffered and rejoiced in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. She and her fellow prisoners suffered incredibly, at times, it was almost hard to read and believe. Through it all, Darlene maintained a faith and outlook on life that was nothing short of inspirational. I found myself asking if I would be as brave as she in the face of such adversity. I finished this book in several nights, staying up late at night, unable to put it down.

Currently I am reading The 4-Hour Work Week, review will be posted soon. Up next: The Anatomy of Buzz, How To Win Friend & Influence People and Unbroken. I've got a lot of reading to do, I better get going!