Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Changes For Deborah Zoe Photo: Business Hours

I have recently talked about big changes for Deborah Zoe Photo. I am now a full time business owner! And this means awesome and fantastic things for my clients! The biggest of all being that I have more time to dedicate to you, to answer emails, schedule shoots, have impromptu meetings and more. I'll be more available and that's just plain good. It also means that I now have official office hours. Deborah Zoe Photo will be operating on a 9-5 Monday through Friday schedule, dedicating weekends to weddings. Portrait and engagement sessions will now take place Monday-Friday, except for special circumstances.

During business hours, I will be available to answer emails and phone calls. Client meetings can be scheduled at the client's convenience outside of business hours Monday-Friday.

If you have any questions on how this will affect you, please feel free to contact me. So, here's to full time business ownership, new business hours and working from home!

And just in case you where curious, this is my new co-worker. She's great to work with, except for when she decides to sit on the key board. It's like a furry episode of The Office.