Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Wes & Emily's Engagement at Appleton Farms

Could I have a better job? I got to spend the better part of the day with the gorgeous Wes and Em at a working farm in Ipswich complete with adorable and fuzzy baby calves! I can't imagine a better way to spend my day than photographing happy couples in love, getting to know their story and making new friends. It really is a dream come true. If your looking for a great place for an engagement session look no further. Appleton Farms is the perfect place to wander and explore. As a working farm, it's full of activity and things to see, smell and experience. Emily and Wes loved every minute of our time there, often stopping to soak it all in. They also rocked it for the camera. Take a look!


Wes and Em, I am SO excited for your wedding in August. Thank you for being you, and letting your love shine for the camera not matter what, spiders and all.