Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

January Self Portrait: A Start To A New Year

Ugh. Is there anything worse than taking your OWN self portrait? As almost all photographers can attest, I don't think so! Photographers are meant to be behind the camera, not in front of it and I always find myself cringing at the thought of being on the other side. For this exact reason though, I wanted to give myself a challenge. Photograph myself once a month for an entire year. I have to be honest and say that this idea wasn't entirely my own. I grabbed this idea from Gail Werner, another photographer! Every month she's taken an image of herself as a of way of documenting her life. I LOVE this idea, (and so does my friend Katelyn, who started her own series earlier this month!) and decided it was going to make it onto my 101 in 1001 list. I WAS GOING TO ACCOMPLISH THIS! I've been putting off doing this series for several months now, mostly because I was afraid to put myself out there, literally in front of the camera. It's vulnerable and uncomfortable and weird. BUT, I knew that in order to grow I need to stretch myself and let all my insecurities and worry go! Because I just KNOW that if I put a little bit more of myself out on the web, someone is going to connect to it. And even if it's just one person, taking that risk will all be worth it!

Look forward to getting to SEE more of me over this next year:) I want this to be a way of documenting my life as it happens. I want to remember what I was doing, how I was feeling, where I was at. Life flies by too fast and often we don't take the time to just sit and reflect on where we have been, where we are at and where we want to go. I need that. I crave that. And now I am making time and space on my blog to do just that!

S0 2012, where am I at? I'm a soon to be 28 year old. I've just finished my first year working from home. I'm moving into 2012 with a sense of joy and hope for the future. 2011 brought new relationships, new friendships and a deeper love for my husband. 2011 was a year of cultivating and I look into 2012 with a goal to invest deeper into these relationships:) This photo? This is me being happy and laughing to myself as the dog runs around the office. I put makeup on, but today was a lounge around the house kind of day. I figured you didn't' want to see that:) This is my office, which I've been too self conscious to blog about. Silly. But even this shot makes me want to delete it immediately. Oh yea, taking risks, I forgot. I'm hungry, I want to eat everything in sight, but alas I am trying to loose weight for a family cruise in March. I'm so excited for WPPI that I could burst. I'm thinking about signing up for Jasmine Star's Boston workshop since I tweeted to her she NEEDED to come here. I like to think I helped make that decision ;). I'm trying to stay off Facebook, I'm newly addicted to Downton Abbey and I just took a bunch of clothes to the tailor, who is a miracle worker. Enough randomness for you? That's just a peak inside my brain but that's where I'm at right now. I'll see you next month!


It's your lucky day, you get a two-for. C'mon we all know that Maya will always make an appearance:)

Apparently I bore the talent. Typical model.