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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Meet The Parkers : Dave

Have you had enough of us yet?! Today is the third day in my week long series, Meet The Parkers! A series to give you a peek inside our little family! Yesterday was all about our pup Maya and today I'm super excited to share with you my husband!If it's not obvious yet I love this guy! I count myself lucky to be able to call myself his wife! He's pretty special and now... I'm starting to gush... So instead of listening to me blab away, check out  my interview with him below. Every wonder what's happening inside the brain of an engineer? Wonder no more...

1. First up babe, tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am a beer brewing, bacon loving, mountain climbing engineer. I grew up in New Hampshire, went to undergrad at the University of New Hampshire and then got my Masters at MIT. Oh, and I love my wife!

2. What is your idea of a perfect vacation?

A week in the woods in Alaska.

3. If you weren’t in the profession you are, what would be your other dream profession?

If I wasn't building jet engines I'd be a pilot. 'Cause my wife likes her Top Gun.

4. What is your favorite movie of all time and favorite scene in it?

Empire Strikes Back. The scene where Luke takes down the AT-AT. (what the heck is that Dave lol!)

5. Bacon or sausage?

Oooh, bacon. I love sausage, but bacon any day, every day...

6. What is one of your favorite memories?

Eating at a restaurant in the middle of the city of Puerto Vallarta, complete with tamales, cerveza, margaritas, a parrot and my beautiful wife. (That was a good day, minus the rain and running barefoot through the streets of PV!)

7. Do you have a secret talent?

I'm kinda proud of my tikka masala. (yeah it's goood)

8. Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence?

Super intelligence.

9. What is something you cannot live without (other than your lovely wife)?


10. What is the best thing you have dressed up as for Halloween?

Peter Parker as Spider Man. (you can thank me for that lovely costume:))


Thanks babe for sharing your deepest thoughts ;) Make sure to back tomorrow for the final post in the Meet the Parker series and read all about our love story!