Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

One Whole Year Later

I can't believe it. One. whole. year. We've had our little Maya Boo for one whole year! I remember when we were signing the documents to take her home, I looked to Dave, anxious about what we were doing. The woman who was helping us adopt Maya looked at me and said, "Don't worry! Puppies are a lot of work, but they are so much fun!" Ok lady, if you say so. Little did I know that taking Maya home that day would be one of the best decisions we've made together. She is the love of our life, my constant companion and I can't imagine our family without her. I just love her so. And despite the fact that she is a "special" dog (meaning she's anxious and very afraid of Dave) we are so proud of just how far she's come in this past year! She's almost a fully adjusted dog! Which if you knew her when we first got her, you know this has been no small feat!

As I write this post, she just popped up to say hello, gave me a kiss on the hand and went back to sitting by the window. Eepp, love her. For someone who never grew up with dogs I find it hard to believe that I am now the woman who has to meet every dog that comes by. I never thought I could own a dog, and yet now I can't imagine my life without one.

Maya is the best dog. She is so much fun, brings so much life to our home and is a bundle of adorableness. She is by far the best birthday present I've ever received! Here's a little look back on our past year together! Can't wait to see what she'll do next!

This is us taking her home. For the first few weeks she hid in that corner by the couch. Ok, so she still kind of likes to do that. What can we do? She's a cave dog:)



For the first few weeks we kept her crate out in the living room. Hard to believe that she's twice the size that she was!



Ohhh, little puppy ears!



Can't wait for the spring! Walks in the Fells are in order!



It was about half way through last year that she grew into the size she currently is:)





Maya with her girls:) Aka the puppies of other photographers:)



She is the most adorable huh?!





Love this dog so much!