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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

The Bookworm Club : Good To Great

It's that time of month again! Time for another Bookworm Club! But I have to admit something. I haven't read all the way through this book! I don't really know what I was thinking, deciding to read this book in a month! If you haven't already noted the thickness of the book, then take note of the tiny print! Good to Great is chock full of words and information, so if you decide to tackle this beast, do so in small, manageable chunks. For Christmas I received Great by Choice from my sister in law. She told me that I had to read Good to Great if I hadn't and so I decided to purchase Good to Great, Great by Choice and Built to Last, one right after the other. But what I failed to take into consideration was that these books read almost like text books, offering the reader LOTS of information, that takes time to digest and register.

In Good to Great Jim Collins takes a look at several companies who made a stand in their own industries. What is interesting is that these companies were not the logical industry leaders. But they were the companies that made a great impact in not just their respective industries but within the companies themselves. These companies had steadfast leaders who often would transform the business from a mediocre company to a company that made a difference.



And, that's about as far as I've gotten! I would most certainly recommend this book to any business owner though. I can tell already, in the little of the book that I've consumed, that this should certainly be a read for any business owner.  It's definitely has many note worthy stories and solid facts about companies and CEO's that took their businesses from good to great. But take note, this is not a run of the mill business book. Think of it more like an book of observations based on numbers and data. That's how it reads and that is how it's compiled. Take it one small bite at a time!If you'd like to win your own copy of Good to Great leave a comment with your favorite successful business and why you love them. Then make sure to share this post on Facebook and Twitter! The winner will be announced here on the blog tomorrow! Happy Reading!