Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

January Self Portrait


After taking these pictures I was a little blown away by how much has changed in the last year. This time last year I was posting my first self portrait on the blog thinking ahead to what the year might bring. Now I'm continuing another year of self portraits wondering what my son will look like! So much has changed, but all for the better.  

Because of the major life changes happening to our little family I've been left feeling like I need to clean out, organize and categorize EVERYTHING. From my home to my business I'm a woman on a mission to simplify and organize my life. So far I've tackled the kitchen, am in the process of rearranging my office, and am working on a new workflow system. I'm getting rid of what didn't work, fine tuning what did and thinking about what might help in the future.  

So in that vein, here are my January Goals!  


-- prime and paint the baby's room 

-- put together our Ikea dresser for the baby's room 

-- organize the many baby clothes I've already purchased 

-- book a maternity portrait session FOR ME! 

-- find a pediatrician and sign up for birthing classes 

-- attend at LEAST two prenatal yoga classes this month... I love them! 

-- make time to connect with friends (actually make sure of this downtime period of the year) 


-- create a workflow station in my office (move from the ShootQ workflow to a physical workflow...more on this later) 

-- organize all client folders 

-- organize office area  

-- order two more sample albums 

-- connect with vendors from last year (I really want to set up several styled shoots this winter/spring!) 

-- sign up for the Making Things Happen inspired by this! 

-- FINALIZE a client meeting packet or booklet...guys help me get this done!! 

-- move from to my email that I've had for almost a year but never made the switch too 



THERE IS SO MUCH MORE that I'm working on but I won't bore you with the minute organizational details of my life. So far, even the little decluttering/organizing/simplifying that I have accomplished has made me feel lighter, free and refreshed! What a great way to start 2013!! What are you doing to make this new year work better for you?! I'd love to hear...any suggestions?!