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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Happy Anniversary : Devin & Abby

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I know, today is Monday and that means it's supposed to be Marriage Monday! BUT today is a special day! It's Devin and Abby's one year anniversary!! I simply cannot believe that it's been a year already!! It seems like yesterday that I was traipsing through the snow with these two love birds in the White Mountains.  

So to celebrate such a milestone I asked if Devin and Abby would chat a bit about their first year of marriage! These two have done a lot of traveling, working, enjoying their home and playing with their pup Aspen. Here's their take on that formative first year! 

D -- Happy anniversary Abby and Devin!! I simply cannot believe that it has been a year since your wedding!! Has time flown by for you too?

Abby: We are continuously amazed that it did not all happen a few months ago! We were recently talking about how we will no longer be newlyweds soon, but are determined to keep the energy alive and well for the rest of our lives - everyday will be our wedding day! 

D -- What is your favorite memory from your wedding day?

Devin: There are so many! (pondering pensively. . . .) When Abby walked down the aisle - she was so pretty. . . 

Abby: I don't think I can choose one memory as a favorite - the entire day was perfect! But the memory that defines the wedding for me would have to be the ceremony as well - walking down the aisle and seeing everyone I love there to support us, and seeing Devin waiting for me so we could start our life together. . . It was slow motion and high speed at the same time. I remember shaking the entire time with the biggest grin in my face! 

D -- What has been the best thing that has happened to you as a couple since your wedding last February?

Devin: Well, there's Aspen's second knee surgery (the first being right before the wedding. . .) Then there is Hawaii. Playing in the volcanoes was fun - even though I was sick. 

Abby: Hawaii! 2 weeks in one of the most beautiful and romantic places was amazing! I think it was especially meaningful because it was the first time since the wedding that we were able to really be together - we both went back to work right after the wedding and put off the honeymoon for a couple of months. It was really our first time together where we could relax and enjoy each others company. We stayed in a cottage in the rainforest and it was absolutely serene! I loved exploring the islands with Devin and following our own plan, rather than a rigid itinerary. We have even made a promise to return for our 10 year anniversary (if not sooner!). 

D -- What have you learned about each other over this past year?

Devin: I've learned that we already knew quite a bit about each other. The myth that everything changes when you get married is not always true. What is true is that some things can change. . . for the better. 

Abby: I have learned that Devin is my Zen; he is the person I go to when I need to vent, or talk through problems, even figuring out which outfit to wear! He is my happy thought. 

D -- Traveled anywhere fun?

Did we mention Hawaii? :-) 

D -- Any tips you can offer newlyweds for their first year of marriage?

Abby: Communication is key - we've found that due to our jobs, we actually have been trained to communicate in different ways. It took quite a few disagreements to figure this one out! Just recognizing these differences is important. I think the best advice I have received has been to treat everyday as if you're on your honeymoon - with all the love and passion you share during those few special days. 

Happy Anniversary and thank you for sharing Abby and Devin!! I hope you enjoy every minute of your anniversary! And Devin, spoil her rotten;)! 

white mountains new hampshire winter wedding deborah zoe photography deborah zoe blog new england we

white mountains new hampshire winter wedding deborah zoe photography deborah zoe blog new england we