Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

The Art of Balance


Sharing My Core, Why I Do What I Do

I think writing a post like this is so incredibly important. It is also incredibly vulnerable. I could talk about my husband, about my puppy, share beautiful images, and write about photography all day long. But to really get down to the core of why I do what I do, well that's a different story. Because once I put it out there, I'm putting myself out there. Opening myself up to unwanted commentary, criticism and rejection. But isn't it important that I communicate why I'm even a photographer in the first place? Yes. So here we go. Here is the core of what I do: 

Faith, Family, Love.  

Faith family and love make up the core of who I am.  

I want to create images and experiences for my clients that celebrate those three things.

Everything that I do in and outside of my business is guided by this core, this vision. I want to work with people who want to celebrate these things too. I want a business that allows me to live a life built around these these things. I want to focus on these three things. I want to create images that celebrate these things. 

So often in life we can get distracted. This is especially in an industry that is wealth and popularity driven. We can be driven of course. Without a core, a passion or a vision to steer towards you can end up in circles. My core reminds me to stay true to who I am and gives me a compass by which to make all decisions.  

If you haven't already, I would HIGHLY recommended taking a few days, weeks and even months, to sit down and figure the WHY of what you do. Why are you in business? Why are you a photographer? For our family, I quit my job as a news photographer because it didn't match up with my vision for the future. I wanted to continue to do what I loved (photography) but also have the flexibility and freedom to start a family. And while I'll admit to being distracted from this vision A LOT over the past several years, I've tried to always bring it back to faith, family, and love. And here we are, doing exactly that.  

Family, Family, Love. That is the core of who I am and the WHY behind what I do. What is your vision, your core, your why?

