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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Jonathan's First Year


Month Three

Can someone explain to me how I suddenly have a three month old?! Jonathan turned a quarter of a year old today and decided it was a good time to roll back and forth for the first time!! Hold your horses kiddo, Mama isn't ready for all these developments just yet!! It quite literally feels like yesterday that we were bringing our baby home from the hospital and yet today here I sit with my baby in my lap as he gently wraps his arms around me. 

A few weeks ago I reflected on all the changes that have happened in our life over this past year. I shared this Facebook status of how around this time last year we found out we were pregnant.  

Last night as Dave and I were drifting off to sleep I whispered that Jonathan has been alive for almost an entire year soon. And we remembered how scared we were making the decision to have a baby. Looking back it seems so incredibly silly, because having Jonathan has been the BEST decision we have ever made. Just the best.

Every night as Dave and I lay down to bed I whisper how incredibly grateful I am for our baby. It's crazy what a year can bring, here we are with a three month old. What joy he has brought to our family. What was once an uncertain decision has become one the of greatest blessings in our life.  

Check out this chunk a munk, isn't he just the cutest thing, well, ever?! :) Happy Three Months Baby Boy!!


If you'd like to see more, click here to see Jonathan's First Year month by month : Month One, Month Two, Month Three, Month Four, Month Five, Month Six, Month Seven, Month Eight, Month NineMonth Ten, and Month Eleven..