Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

August Self Portrait


To say that this summer has been a whirlwind is quite the understatement. Between taking care of a growing baby, starting back at shooting weddings and deciding to move I feel like I'm spinning round and round. At the end of June we unexpectedly decided to put our house on the market, not knowing just how FAST the whole process of selling and buying a new home would go. Call it smart or not to undertake such a task during wedding season, we went ahead with an aggressive plan to move this summer. And now here we are surrounded by boxes and with three weddings to shoot this month. Can I breathe yet? 
To be honest, our life has been what these pictures look like. Messy hair, flip flops, t shirts, boxes, dog hair everywhere and a rambunctious little baby. In short it's been a little bit chaotic. I really wanted to set up a picture for this month's portrait, one that would be quite staged. Baby and I surrounded by boxes, me having a great hair day of course with a baby who would cooperate. Instead real life got in the way and Dave ended up snapping these pictures as I played with Jonathan before we left for a short mini vacation. Flip flops, makeup-less face, t shirt and a onesied baby and all. It was real life. And though we may not look our best, I'm glad that we have these pictures to remember this time. I want to remember Jonathan as he learned to balance on boxes stacked high. I want to remember the last few weeks in our precious little home. I want these pictures, perfect or not, to remember just how beautiful life is right in the middle of all the chaos.  
So now we pack, and pack and pack and pack. And even though I don't think life could get much busier I've managed to still continue to dream and push forward. And while these may be lofty goals to be thinking about during such a time in our life, hey what's life without a little bit of dreaming!! 
-- MOVE.  
-- SLEEP. 
-- Line up a baby sitter for the fall.  
-- Continue to print personal pictures. 
-- Have a date night with Dave, pretty please!! 
-- Dream about our future together and desires for our family 
-- Shoot my three August weddings WELL and HAVE FUN!! 
-- Finalized 2014 pricing.  
-- Work with Tara to get my Client Lounge and Welcome Packet completed (this will be a multi month project) 
-- Organize my blog and work on SEO. 
-- Think about offering mentor sessions later this fall/early winter. 
-- Sell my 24-70mm. 
-- Sell my Black Rapid strap. 
-- Sell my 50d. 
-- Write down my dreams for the business and start an action plan.Deborah Zoe Photography, Boston Wedding Photographer, New England Wedding Photographer, Destination Deborah Zoe Photography, Boston Wedding Photographer, New England Wedding Photographer, Destination Deborah Zoe Photography, Boston Wedding Photographer, New England Wedding Photographer, Destination