My Why, The Reason Behind It All
When I started my business several years ago there was a reason. As many of you know, I was a news photographer at the time and I loved my job. But I also felt a calling somewhere else, a pull and a desire to do something different. And so for many months I would have late night conversations with my husband about whether or not I should step out in faith and start my business.
There were many reasons to start my own business, very good reasons. But there was one that we kept coming back to again and again. And that was for me to be able to do something that I loved that also gave me the flexibility to have a family. I remember my first day working from home, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I was starting to build a life of my own, a life that included a business that I was passionate about and the opportunity of starting a family.
Fast forward to 2013 and I found myself with baby and business. As I've thought about this past year, I suddenly had a lightbulb moment. Looking back over this past wedding season, I've realized I was doing exactly what I had set out to do. I started a business, I've watched it grow, and now here I was being a mom and running a business. Full circle. Whoa.
There are a myriad of reasons why work. Not to be confused as to why I photograph weddings (that's a whole separate post in of itself!) But ultimately, it's not because I want to garner a huge following, or photograph the most expensive weddings. It's because I want to have the freedom to do something that I love : being a mom and photographer. And while to some this might not be the most glamorous of dreams, it's one that I could spend the rest of my life living. I love being a photographer, I love working with my clients, I love teaching others, I love being a wife, and I love being a mom.Photo credit to my great friend and amazing photographer Coco Boardman.