Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

When Life Doesn't Go As Planned

Over the weekend I sat down and finished my blogging calendar for the month of April. I organized and categorized my to do list. I made a plan and was excited for how much I was going to get done this week. Then we found out Jonathan has pneumonia, he developed a fever of 105 and my well laid plans were flipped on their head.  
As I bathed my poor baby in the tub yesterday, trying to reduce his fever, my best friend called. I was scared, alone and tired and I burst into tears. "I'm not going to get any work done today," I sobbed. Her reply? "Really? OF COURSE NOT! It's a sick day!!" 
Leave it to your best friend to give you the slap in the face you need. It indeed was a sick day, a very, very sick day. And I needed to be reminded that blogging, timelines, editing, emailing, they could all wait. My first responsibility was getting Jonathan healthy and cuddling him till my arms were numb (my biceps are killing me today!). Thankfully Jonathan's fever reduced and did not stay at that scary high number for too long. My Dad and Mom came home early from work and helped get everything organized and figured out. They picked Dave up from work and together we took care of Jonathan. 
Things don't always go to plan, especially when you have a baby and as a small business owner sometimes that can be a hard pill to swallow. I rely on systems and checklists and schedules. It's what makes my day tick and if I'm being completely honest, it's REALLY hard to break from that. Yesterday was a lesson in learning to bend and learning to let go.  
All those things that NEED to get done, they can wait. Baby cuddles come first.