Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Speaking at the Boston PUG

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Speaking at the Boston PUG

If you've been hanging out on the blog for the last month or so you probably saw my announcement at the end of August about a speaking opportunity I was presented with earlier this year. Well, hard to believe but that day has come and gone! Last Tuesday I had the pleasure of speaking to our Boston PUG (a monthly group aimed at helping to equip and teach photographers) about a topic I'm incredibly passionate about : work/life balance.  

To say I was nervous...well let's just say I was;). My stomach dropped even more when after I arrived the projector didn't want to cooperate. But thanks to our amazing Pastor for saving the day (the meeting was hosted at our church!), everything worked out! Phew! From there everything went smoothly! 

As a Mom the idea of work /life balance has taken on new meaning for me over this past year and half. My desire is to share my experience with others so that they can be encouraged and equipped to make big changes in their businesses and lives. Balancing the responsibilities of a small business owner with the needs of our every day life can a challenge. I want to serve my clients well while focusing on the things that are deeply meaningful to me and my family. I don't always get it right but I'm here working on it every day. I've had to learn to seek the balance between the two and I've found great joy in the journey! 

If you're a Boston area photographer, be sure to check out the PUG (there's a meeting every month!) It's an amazing way to meet new people, to learn new skills, expand your reach and find a community. The PUG has been an invaluable resource for me over these past years as I've grown my business. I've built friendships and learned from some of the best in the industry. AND if you're prone to be a shy person like me here's a little kick in the butt from me to you to step out of your comfort zone. You won't regret it! 

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Tuesday night was a first step for me. I hope that I can continue to share my heart, continue to encourage others and continue to equip business owners to chase after what really matters most! Cheers to the future!And thanks to Krista for the Instagram!