Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Friday Fundays, Intentional Time Together


Friday Fundays, Intentional Time Together

In the early days of Jonathan’s childhood my friend Danielle started sharing the Friday adventures she had with her toddler son on Instagram. I was a intrigued. As a stay at home Mom, Danielle followed a particular structure throughout the week and yet on Fridays she threw structure out the window. She picked activities that encouraged spontaneity, adventure and fun with her baby boy. She did this every Friday and her husband often joined in as well. Friday Fundays, I absolutely loved the idea.

It was around this same time that I had become increasingly busy at work and found great frustration in blending my life as a Mom and an entrepreneur. I desperately wanted a way to bring a little spontaneity into our lives while being intentional in creating memories and adventures together. I realized that I needed to create boundaries to ensure that I made time to do this, otherwise I would just be tempted to work and work and work. I knew that I wanted more quality time with Jonathan and that I would have to be intentional in HOW I went about creating that time. Friday Fundays were the perfect fit!

It’s over a year later and we are still going strong with our Friday Funday tradition!! On Fridays, especially if I am shooting a wedding or doing some sort of work on the weekend, I always try, no matter what, to take Friday off to be with my nugget. A simple yet well worthy boundary to maintain a little bit of balance in an otherwise crazy and busy schedule.

Sometimes we get ice cream other times we head to the park or drive around looking for fun. Maybe we watch Curious George together or head to playgroup. Fridays are our non-scheduled, dedicated time to be together. It is hands down one of my favorite days of the week. And because I’ve dedicated this day of the week to be with my son, it allows me to work harder, be more productive, and function more efficiently throughout the week.

I have to thank my friend Danielle for being a beautiful example of what it means to be intentional with your family. Because of her desire to serve her family and love her son well, I was inspired to do the same. In those early days of blending Mommyhood and business, I knew that something needed to change so I could find joy in all the chaos. Thanks to Danielle, I was able to find a better balance, one that gave me freedom to be a Mom, to have fun with my darling boy and to serve my clients well. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about for me!

The Art of Balance, Creating Intentional Time Together by Deborah Zoe Photography.

The Art of Balance, Creating Intentional Time Together by Deborah Zoe Photography.