Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Cool Breezes

I'm here in my office listening to my iTunes on shuffle and enjoying this beautiful, lovely Easter Sunday afternoon. My heart is full. I am remembering all that Easter is about. I am thankful for how it has changed me, made me new. It's wonderful. As I write I hear our chimes outside on our deck. A cool, lovely, breeze is blowing through the sliding door across the office. It makes me so thankful for the house we have, for where we live and all that we have. So, so thankful.

I've been sitting here for the past few hours thinking, brainstorming, planning, wondering where this year will lead us. How can I grow my business? Right now I've only got small piece of a bigger answer. And that's ok. This whole thing is a work in progress and I need to be thankful for the steps I have taken and prepare myself for the larger steps I need to make.

For now I am reminded that all of this is just a smaller piece of a much larger thing. I can work and work and work but sometimes the best thing to do is just take a break, enjoy life and all that I have been given. So that's what I am going to do. Relax. The rest? It'll all come together in time.

*The cool breeze coming through the house reminded me of the wedding of Aaron and Jess I photographed with Concept Spring Studio down in Mississippi. The girls and Jess got ready a beautiful home overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. An ocean breeze continually swept through the room we were in. It was wonderful, just like now. *