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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Library Staples


My Favorite Business Books

I love books, I love to read, I love to learn. And when I first started my business I grabbed every business book that I could possibly get my hands on! Some books where great while others were just a bunch of fluff. I found that the best books I could possibly read were ones that gave me tangible facts and advice on not only how to run my business but how to grow it as well.  

These books have stayed with me over the years and the knowledge that I have gleaned from these pages have become an integral part of my business. From how I run my business to how I treat and interact with my clients to how I structure my day, all has been shaped by these books. If you're a small business owner, starting out or with a few years under your belt, I would HIGHLY recommended grabbing one or all of these books! And guess what, I purchased all of these at the used bookstore!! Knowledge and saving money, who doesn't love that?! 



1. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber 



A great book that gives any small business owner a strong foundation in systems, organization and running a successful and profitable business. A book to revisit over and over again as your businesses grows and changes. 2. EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches by Dave Ramsey 



For those who have been in business for any amount of time and what to learn how to handle all aspects of entrepreneurship from leadership to systems to handling conflicts. Again this is a great book to revisit over and over again. 3. Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time by Howard Schultz 



This is an unconventional business book and while the book is about the story of how Starbucks became the mega coffee shop that it is today, the book is filled with pages and pages of valuable business advice. Schultz breaks down the passion behind Starbucks to their mission statement to how they developed their business model today.4. How to Become a Rainmaker: The Rules for Getting and Keeping Customers and Clients by Jeffrey Fox 

A book on how to treat your customers and clients and grow your business through your customer interaction. With chapters of practical advice there are many take away points to begin implementing in to your business today. Each chapter reads like a bullet point with challenging next action steps throughout the book.  



5. Lovemarks : The Future Beyond Brands by Kevin Roberts 

Lovemarks is like a bright and colorful scrapbook that focuses on the world's most popular brands and why they are so incredibly successful. And while this book is about big business brands it is broken down in ways that are applicable to any business, big or small. Plus the big, glossy pages make it a fun book to read through! 

All of these books are essential additions to my business book library. AND they are books that I refer back to time and time again! I'm always add to my collection and reading more and more. But these books will always be staples. What are some of YOUR favorite business books? Have there been any books that have changed the way that you do business? I'm always looking for recommendations!! 

Happy Friday and Happy Reading!!