Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Snow Day


It's snowing. Again. By now I've lost track of how much snow we've accumulated over this winter. But now it's just down right depressing. Ok, it's kinda pretty but still where is the SUMMER?! On top of all this cold and snow our family was struck with the flu for the second time in a month this past week. Needless to say there hasn't been much blogging happening. We're all feeling much better but I've feel a bit "behind". I'm using today's snow as an excuse to get things DONE.  
Hard to believe that a week from tomorrow we'll be in sunny Florida...more on that soon. But for now I'm going to cozy up with my blanket and some coffee and get to work. Happy Snow Day!!GA8A7146.jpg(Are you someone that enjoys the snow, can you please give me a good reason WHY?!;))