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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

The Bookworm Club : Tribes


Remember the Bookworm Club?! Gosh it's been SO long since I read a book, let alone reviewed one, that I barely remember what it is like to share a good read with others. If you've been around the blog (hey old blog!) for a while now then you'll remember my return to reading. If you're new here let me share a little back story. Several years ago my soul sista and bestie Tricia, helped to rekindle my love affair with reading through her endless amounts of book recommendations. From riveting novels to fun beach-y reads, Tricia shared with me her love of books and I soon started to fall back in love with reading. It was also around this time that I was just starting my business, so I was immersed in all new business related reading material. All in all I was reading more than I ever had before and loved every single second of it!! 

Fast forward a few years, one business and one baby later and it's a rare treat if I can find the time to read a sentence let alone an entire BOOK. But this past weekend I was afford such a luxury when my husband and I escaped to New Hampshire for a few days with family. My book of choice for this trip, Tribes by Seth Godin, recommended to me by several business owners and entrepreneurs.  

I've read several of Seth's books before, you can read one of my reviews here. While GOOD they never quite struck a nerve with me, never quite grabbed me and changed me. I had always found his books to be filled with interesting anecdotes but never enough meat or practical advice that I felt could help advance my perspective of my business and the world. These days, with my limited precious time, a book has to capture me within a page or two to ensure that I'll stick with it long enough to finish. And though I was hesitant it would, Tribes did that and a whole lot more.  

You guys, I finished this book in a weekend. I couldn't put it down, from start to finish I was transfixed. Godin's approach was magnetic, engaging and completely relevant. His call to action, his presentation, his persuasion had me fired up and ready for change. I hung on ever page of the book, eager to finish one so as to get to the next. I was actually sad when I finished and proclaimed to Dave that I think I should start at the beginning and re-read it just for the pleasure of enjoying it again, I loved it that much.  

Maybe it's because I was a Girl Scout and the idea of leadership, preparation and betterment of the world has been engrained into my being. Or perhaps it's because I was reading Godin's words at the right time. Or maybe I was just in a good mood. Whatever the case, something inside of me deeply connected with Godin's message of leadership and community and the call to make things happen today, not tomorrow. Is that a message you need to hear too? Well then, I would highly recommend this book.  

All in all I thought this was a great read, perfectly applicable to those in business! If you're looking to add to your business book collection, this should be at the top of your list. AND in keeping with Bookworm Club tradition, I'll be giving a away a copy of the book to one commenter below. To enter, just leave a comment with your favorite business (or beach) read! (Please use your correct email so I can contact you if you win!) The giveaway starts today and ends on July 10, 2014 at 11pm. The winner will be announced on the Facebook page July 12th. Good luck and Happy Reading!!  


In an effort to continue to read more I'm challenging myself to devour another book in time for next month... here goes!! Any good recommendations? Leave 'em below!!