Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

What's Ahead For The Blog

The Blog In 2015

In keeping with this week's theme of reflection and goal setting, I wanted to share what is in store for the blog in 2015. In communicating the things I want to share here on the blog, it will not only help me stay accountable but also give you an idea of the kind of content you can expect to see on a weekly and monthly basis! My hope is that you'll be encouraged to stop by frequently, with lots of fresh content and posts to enjoy!

Series. There have been a myriad of series that have graced the "pages" of this blog over the years. In the New Year I will continue sharing the series, the Art of Balance, twice a month on Wednesdays. This series is dedicated for advice and encouragement geared towards finding more balance in this crazy world of business ownership. I will also be introducing a new series called Tips with DZP, twice a month on Tuesdays with content geared towards photography and business related advice and info. In addition I will be bringing back Wedding Love, once a month on Monday, with info dedicated to the Bride-t0-Be as she plans her wedding day! There's lots of fresh content coming your way and I couldn't be more excited!

Frequency. I will be continuing to post three times a week.

Contributors. I would LOVE to bring on contributors for the blog in 2015. Are you interested in guest blogging? Do you have something special to share? Do you have a unique perspective? My desire for the blog is to be a conversation, a place where people can be inspired, see beautiful imagery and learn something new. If you'd like to be a part of that, I'd love to hear from you!

Here are a few ways to get involved :

* If you're a past DZP Bride or blog reader and would like to contribute to a Marriage Monday post with advice or encouragement, let's connect! I'd also love to interview different married couples a few times a year, currently I'm looking for couples who would like to be invovled. 

*If you're a small business owner and/or photographer and would like to contribute to the Tips with DZP series, I'd love to hear from you! Fresh perspectives are always welcome and encouraged... we all have something to share AND something to learn!

*If you're a wedding industry peer and would like to contribute to the Wedding Love series with advice for the Bride to Be, I'd love to collaborate with you!

*Just have something to share but not sure where it fits? Let's chat together about how you can contribute to the blog! Any questions regarding contributing to the DZP blog, please email me at :, subject line : DZP Blog Contributor

You. I want to hear from YOU. What would you like to read on the blog? What are the things you want to learn about or be inspired by? Feedback is so helpful as I continue to plan out the schedule for the year here on the blog. I want the content to be directly relateable to you, so help me do that by taking a moment to comment below with your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by this morning to catch up an all that's in store for the blog! I'm so excited for the 2015 blogging year and I hope you are too!


What's Ahead for the Blog In 2015 with Deborah Zoe Photography.

Image by Justin & Mary