Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Staying Connected Through The Photographic Experience

Staying Connected Through The Photographic Experience

Last week I introdued a new video series titled Wedding Essentials here on the blog!! Geared at helping couples plan for the wedding day I kicked off the series with an introduction and my heart behind Wedding Essentials. 

This week I'm diving right into things and sharing about how to stay connected through the photographic experience. This week's content is geared specifically towards DZP Bride & Grooms as I share how I use my website/blog along with social media to stay connected and in communication with my couples as they plan for the wedding day!! 

As always, if you have any thoughts or specific questions you'd like to see address in an episode of Wedding Essentials, please join the conversation in the comment sections, I'd be happy to answer your questions!!

Next week I'll be sharing about how to use your online gallery, I can't wait to connect with you!!