Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Coaching Session with Katelyn James

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Waaayy back in spring, maybe?!, my inbox sent out it's familiar, ding you have a new message. I opened the inbox to find a newsletter from friend and fellow photographer Katelyn James. Now this isn't anything new, she sends one out about every month, but this time my heart jumped a little. This time there was an opportunity to sign up for a coaching session, one that I could attend. My mouse hovered over the button waiting to click. I practically jumped when it went through.  

Katelyn is an industry leader, across the board, she's revered and loved by MANY people in this crazy wedding world. She's also an incredibly smart and savvy business woman who is passionate about helping others grow their businesses and succeed as wedding photographers. In an industry that can seem at times to pull people down, stir up drama and fueled by exclusivity and harshness, Katelyn is a breath of fresh air, leading the charge to change the way industry works. It's something I can whole heartedly get behind, it's part of the reason why I want to learn from her! 

I've known Katelyn since 2010? I had discovered her blog and when I made my first trip to WPPI we bumped into each other. We've stayed in touch ever since, she even flew up to Boston a few years ago to photograph our own anniversary session! She's been a mentor of mine and a friend for the past four or so years and I've been extremely grateful for how she's poured into my business since! 

Fast forward to this spring when my Katelyn's newsletter entered my inbox. I don't know why, but I knew that now was the time to sign up for a coaching session. I had not attended an industry workshop in years and as someone who loves to learn I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do just that from one of the best! Plus Katelyn is someone I know and trust which made the opportunity even more appealing. It was a win win combination. I clicked submit and suddenly found myself heading down to Virginia in August.  

If you've been following along on the blog you know that we decided to make this trip a week long family vacation. I'm so thankful the hubby and babe could join! Jonathan made fast friends with Katelyn's hubby Michael and I so loved getting to spend time with them. It truly makes my heart happy to count these two not only as industry peers but friends too!! 

So what did we talk about?! Well, everything!! I laid it all out on the table, where I am and where I want to go in my business. Katelyn walked me through some of these areas and inspired me to go for it! I'm so grateful for her enthusiasm because we all know what it can be like to sit behind a computer every day. And how hard it can be to find the courage to chase after your dreams. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that you have someone in your corner rooting you on!  

Hopefully in the coming months and year I'll be sharing a bit more of what's on my heart, my hope being that you'll be inspired, encouraged and equipped!! AND if you're considering a Coaching Session with Katelyn, just do it. It will revolutionize your business and give you the boost you so desperately need. Every session will look a little different, as each person has their own sets of goals and dreams, but for a general "what to expect" : know that you'll be well taken care of, welcomed and celebrated. You'll most likely get to meet Bokeh (their adorable dog) and spend several hours being poured into. As a business owner, we don't get many opportunities like this and it's one you're going to want to grab a hold of! 

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Part of the Coaching experience is having the chance to be photographed by Katelyn. Great for me as I have been in desperate need of a new headshot! (My last was when I was six months pregnant!!) Here are a few of my faves!!I couldn't be more grateful for our time in Virginia, I'm beyond excited for what the future holds! Thank you Katelyn for welcoming us into your home, for being so gracious with Jonathan and for pouring into my business!! What an amazing thing you are giving to other photographers!!