Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Speaking at the Boston PUG

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The art of balance. I've been learning a lot about what it means to have a healthy work life balance this past year as I've made the transition from business owner to now business owner and Mom. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I have to take a step back. It's not always easy but it is always WORTH the effort. I count myself incredibly blessed to have a career that lets me chase after my passion of photography while having a business that serves my clients AND my family well. So it comes as no surprise that I'm passionate about encouraging and equipping others to chase after their dreams while living healthy and joy filled lives! And I'm incredibly excited to write that I'll be sharing my heart and passion of work life balance with the Boston PUG on September 16!!  

For me, building this business isn't just about a business, it's so much more!! But how do you get beyond every day tasks to building a life that fills your cup? (Systems, organization and a heaping amount of grace!) During our time together I'll be sharing about the way that I've managed my business and how that has allowed me to build a family and serve them well (READ: love, cherish, support and be there for them in a tangible way). My hope is that you'll leave our time together equipped and inspired to make changes in your daily business life, changes that will give you the freedom to build a business that serves your life! 

And the best part? It's free! You don't even have to be a photographer to attend! The PUG is open to all, with food and refreshments to be served before hand. It's a great opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow industry peers while getting in some free education! In fact, the PUG is where I met some of my first photographer friends when I entered the wedding photography world several years ago. Thinking back to my very first PUG, I was shy, scared and completely unsure. Now, five years later, here I am presenting on something I am incredibly passionate about! Crazy! 

If your work life balance is something you're struggling with I'd love to see there!! My hope is that you'll leave our time refreshed and ready to systemize your business!! You can RSVP here!! 

If you have any questions about what a healthy work life balance looks like OR want to know how to systemize a certain area of your business leave a comment below!! There are lots of things I'm going to chat about but I'd love to hear from you, what do YOU want to know about the art of balance?! 

Phew. I can't believe I just put that out there. September 16th, be there!! 

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