Well it's happened -- its month four and I've fallen behind on Isla's monthly update!! I'm only two weeks behind so I'm calling it a win ;) Getting anything done with a infant, 5 year old, and busy wedding season just beginning is giving a huge does of reality. Maternity leave is over and relearning that mommy/business balance is beginning all over again. Good thing these kiddos are cute!!
Month Four was certainly an exciting one and saw many developmental achievements for our little babe!! Lots of fun highlights to share :
Isla learned to roll over this month and gradually she has gotten stronger and stronger. Now, nearly every time I place her on the floor seconds later she's on her tummy looking at the world around her!!
She laughed for real this month and it is pure bliss. She has the BEST little giggle and I can't wait to hear it more in the coming months!!
She's still a little cooer and it's pretty much the best!!
We dedicated Isla this month with our immediate family in attendance. We all went out afterwards for lunch and well you can imagine the fun chaos that ensued with five kids under the age of 5 ;)
It was FINALLY warm enough to sit out on the deck and watch big brother play. Isla LOVES the sunshine, just like her Mommy!!
I'm pretty sure we can feel some teeth in there - there's certainly enough drool to make near hourly outfit changes necessary!!
Sleep is OK. Isla has an established bedtime of 6:30pm/7:00pm which is GREAT. The daily wakeup call of 4:30am, not so much.
The attic was finished this month which means that everyone, including Isla, spend a lot of time up here enjoy the soft carpeted floor and ample sun kissed spaces :)
We're pretty sure we see some red hair coming through, but WHO KNOWS?!
She's started to slowly bring things up to her mouth which is really fun to watch her do!!
Isla loves to sit up (with some help) and MUST see the world around her!!
See more of Isla's First Year : Month One, Month Two, Month Three
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Nate and Jenn celebrated in style when they said "I Do" in the beautiful city of Boston this past fall. Their day was filled with personality and heart focused on giving their friends and family a party they wouldn't soon forget. I adored getting to celebrate with Nate & Jenn and was even more delighted to create a wedding album for this lovely couple!! Jenn chose images that highlighted the fun and celebratory atmosphere that filled their day and it was so much fun reliving each moment as we brought their album together -- here's a peek inside!!
For all my DZP Couples, this is a Signature Wedding Album with Linen Cover in Slate Blue.
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It's been three months since Isla Girl made her appearance into this world and it's becoming harder and harder to imagine what life was like before her. Yesterday, at my parent's house, I looked a picture from a vacation we took together when Jonathan was three. It was just the five of us. How rich and and full our lives are now with our darling baby girl. Adored by her grandparents, her brother and of course Dave and I, she makes each moment together so, so, sweet!!
Month Three has been full of lots of wonderful growth for our little lady -- she's so strong and it makes me SO proud!! My Mom keeps saying that she can't wait to keep up with her older brother. She wants to upright, facing forward, to see all the things that are happening around her. She is fascinated by faces, especially Jonathan's, and it's the sweetest thing to see their bond forming. We painted Jonathan's bedroom and so for the past two nights he's been sleeping in our room. Last night he woke up in the middle of the night as Isla was stirring and whimpering a little. Jonathan asked in the cutest voice ever, "Can she come cuddle with me?" Instant heart melt!!
Here are highlights her third month :
- If you've been following along with these monthly updates you know that Isla HATES the pacifier, so finding ways to soothe her aside from ME have been few and far between. She recently started sucking on her hands and thumb and have given us a few moments before we need to scoop her up.
- Speaking of her hands, she LOVES them!! She loves sticking them high in the sky and holding on to her fingers. She loves to grab onto things (like my shirt when she's feeding) and your fingers and basically anything within her reach.
- She loves talking with her "friends", the little toys that hang from her play gym. She has the cutest little voice (and laugh) and gosh I couldn't be more in love!!
- Isla's personality has definitely started to make a presence. She still is a quiet soul, so would rather observe. But at the same time she's started to talk more and more. We think she might like music too because if anyone is singing or music is playing, that is the time she is the most vocal!!
- She loves making eye contact with you and one of my favorite things to do is to look her in the eyes, smile as big and wide as I can and watch her as her face lights up and she gives me this huge toothless grin. Isla definitely smiles with her eyes!!
- Speaking of her eyes, they are still blue!! I hope that we'll have a blue eyed baby girl on our hands!!
- People are constantly asking me if she had red hair -- I think so!!! She's got this peach fuzz of golden hued hair and I am hoping and praying that she'll have red hair just like her Momma!!
- Around 10-11 weeks Isla started sleeping from around 10:00pm (after her last feed) to around 6:30am. Minus a few nights where she woke up in the middle of the night, she's been pretty reliable and we couldn't be more grateful!!
- I think the thing I've noticed most this month is Isla is looking less and less like a newborn and more like a baby!! She likes to sit up, her back and neck muscles are getting stronger. Her face and belly and legs are all filling out!! She's still a petite girl in terms of weight, but her length, oh her length!! She's SO LONG!!
- I'm happy to say that her cheek game is still strong - big ole cheeks that are oh so kissable!!
See more of Isla's First Year : Month One, Month Two
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My precious baby girl is TWO months old today!! TWO!! I'm sure I'll be saying this every month, but I simply cannot believe it!! I was telling Dave the other day that I cannot even believe I was pregnant, it feels like a dream. Nearly one year ago we were heading into Boston for my IUI, hoping and dreaming of growing our family. And even though that treatment failed, nearly a year later here we are holding our tiny miracle. It's too sweet. (I haven't share too much about our journey through infertility -- but if you'd like me to share more I will.)
We've quickly discovered the old adage that no two babies are alike to be completely true!! While in some ways she is similar to her brother, Isla is a very different baby than he was. She doesn't seem to sleep the same, she doesn't eat the same and her personality is very different. Since we are nearly five years removed from the infant stage of parenting, it's been a learning curve to say the least!! Equally as amazing though, is how much her big brother loves her. To watch them interact, to see him loving her, to know that they will carry a special bond together for the rest of their lives is something I will cherish forever!!
Month two has been full of exciting milestones!! Here are highlights her second month :
- Around week seven she start smiling and hasn't stopped since. Her smiles are wide toothless grins that can brighten anyone's day. Her Daddy says her smile can melt ice, it sure is melting our hearts!!
- I told Dave to be gentle with Isla one night as he was changing her diaper. She's a delicate little flower I proclaimed. Immediately she let out the loudest fart imaginable. BABIES!!
- She is quickly outgrowing all her three month clothes. With a slow start with her weight, every growth milestone we hit is a victory around here!!
- This month Isla, Mommy and Jonathan survived a night on our own (with a TON of help from parents!!)
- Around week six I started to wonder when I would start to hear her darling coos and I'm happy to say she is a cooing machine that warms my heart and makes me smile!!
- Isla stayed with my parents for our first date post baby (if you don't count going to see Star Wars at two weeks postpartum ;)) We enjoyed the first part with her as we went out to breakfast then spent the afternoon at the movies. What a treat!!
- She still doesn't take a paci - the other night she sucked on one for a few minutes and we nearly celebrated until it promptly was spat out of her mouth in disgust. Oh well!!
- The only thing that is predictable in this little one's schedule is that she will sleep right after her morning feed -- for several hours!! And while I can't predict anything else, that morning nap is great for Mom!!
- Sometimes if she has napped for a long time my arms will ache to hold her and feed her and keep her close <3
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It's here - the Best of Weddings 2017!! To be honest this post took MUCH longer bring together than I anticipated. After selecting my favorite images of the year, I opened the folder - over 300 images!! There were over 300 images in the folder!! How could I narrow it down?! I carefully went through each image deciding that it need to evoke at least one of three characteristics : it needed to be emotive, intimate and evoke beauty. Not hard to do after a season like 2017!! I worked with some of the best this past year, from creative teams to my amazing DZP Couples, who helped make this wedding season magical. What a joy to take a look back and celebrate all that 2017 was!!
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Yesterday I kicked off the Best of 2017 series with some of my favorite portrait work of the last year and today I'm sharing my favorite engagement images!! Looking back I was reminded of how amazing each of my DZP Couples are. I love the time we get to spend with each other before the wedding and the opportunity I have to get to know these wonderful people!!
I kicked things off in January for a cold and blustery session in Boston. Throughout the year my couples headed to the beach, estates, the city, even their homes, each session tailored to their unique relationship. Just as my portrait sessions, I made the goal to incorporate film and I loved the results!! Each session was as unique as the couple I was photographing and made for a beautiful year of images -- enjoy a few of my favorites!!
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Welcome to 2018!! One of my favorite ways to start the new year is to reflect on the year past and gather together my favorite images from the last 12 months. I'm reminded again of how much I love this "job", being invited into my clients' lives and documenting the precious milestones of life. (You can view the Best of 2016 here.) Pulling together my favorite images of the year is no easy task -- how can I choose? Each image feels so dear to me. I remember exactly where I was and what was happening in that moment. Joyful, quiet, intimate, happy, reflective, emotive, connected moments. Every time I clicked the shutter I have the opportunity to capture these moments in time for my clients. It feels so dear indeed.
To kick of the Best of Series I'm sharing some of my favorite portrait images of 2017!! I was happy this year to include film into nearly all my portrait sessions which was a creative add for me. My clients seemed to love that and I thoroughly enjoyed stretching my skill in film. I've got a long way to go, but I'm proud of how it tied together, nearly seamlessly, with my digital work!!
So let's get to the images shall we?! I was pleased to be invited back into the lives of my dear past wedding clients as they expanded their families this year... how lovely to see these lovely families growing!! Here's to 2017 and celebrating the big and small moments of life!!
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How can we possibly already be at one month old!! It hardly seems possible. Honestly it hardly seems possible that our house is filled with the joy of a newborn again. It's surreal, amazingly, wonderfully, surreal!! When Jonathan was a newborn I documented his first year of life through a series of monthly blog posts. And while I might have been the only one who cared enough to read them, it was a joy for me to remember that fast first year and document all the change he underwent. I knew that I wanted to do the same thing for our baby girl and here I am today, ready to share the first post!!
This time has gone by so fast - so, so fast. I remember the night before my scheduled c-section Dave and I sat together and through tears I cried that I wished it was a week from today. I was terribly afraid of what lay ahead and now here we are five weeks later. Having a scheduled c-section this go around felt much different than my experience with our son Jonathan (who was an emergency c-section after nearly two days of labor.) Walking into the OR room first thing in the morning was a strange experience. I found that surgery this go around was a bit more traumatic then I was expecting, recovery has been much slower than last time and the entire experience was much different. BUT our darling daughter has been the gleaming light through it all and has made whatever experience we had so entirely worth it!!
Ms. Isla Rose -- many people have asked us how we chose her name. The short answer is we liked it :) After our 10th anniversary trip to Scotland in 2016 we fell in love and so on a whim we decided to look into Scottish names. I stumbled upon Isla one day and it just kind of clicked. Dave liked the name Rose and together it seemed to be the perfect fit for our baby girl!!
Some highlights this first month of life for Ms. Isla Rose :
- Isla's birth experience felt entirely different than Jonathan. Instead of being a week late like J, she was a week early. Instead of an emergency surgery, her's was schedule for first thing in the morning. Instead of bouncing back like I did with J, my recovery took time.
- Isla is also a very different newborn than Jonathan. She was very jaundice and sleepy the first three or so weeks of life. Feeding wasn't nearly as easy as it had been with Jonathan and it took a lot of work for me and her to find a groove. I think at week 5 we are JUST starting to find it but we've got a long way to go.
- Because of the jaundice and feeding issues Isla lost a bit of weight by the time she left the hospital and we've been playing catch up ever since. She's never looked unhealthy or too skinny, but the scale let us know that she needed to gain a LOT more weight and quickly.
- Isla LOVES her big brother, probably more than anyone else. She coos and smiles at him any time he's around her and he of course LOVES that!! He's equally infatuated with her and it makes us beyond happy. Jonathan has been an amazing big brother so far and we are so grateful!!
- We celebrated two Christmas' and New Years with Isla (she liked to party at night in case you're wondering ;)), and spent most of the first weeks of her life cooped up in home due to the insanely cold weather (-20 degrees anyone?!), sickness and recovery. Not much traveling or outdoor activities have been had aside from heading to the doctors office.
- The times that Jonathan wasn't on a snow day or on vacation, Dave and I enjoyed visiting our favorite coffee shops while he was on paternity leave. Kaffmandu, Honeycomb and Mystic Coffee Roaster just to name a few :)
- Isla usually wakes up around 2-3 times a night, woof, a little different than Jonathan. We'll definitely be excited for the day when she makes it to 4-5 hour stretches!!
- Isla feels like a different baby than Jonathan in so many ways - She HATES the pacifier!! And being swaddled!! And being on her back!! And being cold!! What she does love is sleeping on your chest. And while that makes getting anything done near impossible - with her curled up next to your chest, well there really isn't anything better in the world!!
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I can't believe that I am officially writing this blog post!! But here we are, almost ready to welcome our baby girl into the world!! Appropriately I will be taking a maternity leave in anticipation of her arrival and for the first few months of her life. I wanted to share a few details with you of what that means for future, current and past DZP clients and what they can expect over the next months as we take a break to enjoy life as a family of four!!
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I can't believe I never shared the amazing day that was Callie & Jimmy's wedding!! I had been looking to this day all year and it's hard to believe it's come and gone!! What a day they had, filled with the perfect preppy & nautical details, a glorious fall day and surrounded by their closest family friends. I had the privilege of working with the amazing Keri of Always Yours Events, who styled and planned the day to perfection!! Callie was stunning her Theia gown while Jimmy looked dapper in his classic black tie suit. I loved everything about this day and I'm so excited to share some of my favorites from their day with you!!
Creative Team
Styling & Planning : Always Yours Events
Ceremony : Nauticus Marina
Dress : Theia
Hair : Beyond Beauty
Makeup : Sposabella Bridal
Florals : Blossoms By The Bay
Bridesmaids : Jenny Yoo
Cake & Catering : Casual Gourmet
Band : Bearfight
Stationary : Splash Stationers
Second Photographer : Lauren Termini
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The past few years has seen a boom in past DZP couples growing their families -- and I LOVE it!! It's such a privilege to be invited into such a special time in a couple's life and help them celebrate the milestone of a new baby with photography!!
I was delighted when Molly emailed me earlier this year letting me know they were expecting (and due around the same time as me!) and that she wanted to celebrate the occasion with a portrait session. It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating Molly & Andrew's wedding day and here we were anticipating the arrival of their baby girl!! Congratulations you two, enjoy a few of my favorite images!!
Hybrid Session | 5dMarkIII & EOS-1V | Fuji 400h | Processed by The Find Lab
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The annual Print & Album sale is here once again!! In celebration of Small Business Saturday and the end of another wonderful season :
enjoy 35% off your print order & 30% off your album order!!
Begins on November 22nd and ends on December 3rd, 2017
To find your print gallery click here.
Don't see your gallery? Email deborah@deborahzoephoto.com to get setup!!
Use code SHOPSMALL30 during check out to save 30% on your print, canvas or digital download order via www.deborahzoegalleries.com
This is the BEST album deal offered all year long. The number of offers are very limited and won't last long -- email deborah@deborahzoephoto.com to save, starting on November 22nd!!
A note to my dear past and current DZP Brides, Couples & Families : Images are not meant to sit on a computer or a thumb drive. They are meant to be printed, ENJOYED, shared with loved ones and displayed in your home!! If you have yet to order your wedding album or order your favorite prints, now is the time!! Create tangible heirlooms of your favorite memories with our annual print & album sale!!
Get up, get out and #ShopSmall on Nov 22nd & Celebrate #SmallBizSat with us!!
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It's hard to believe that it's been over two years since Jayme and Cory tied the knot at the beautiful Chatham Bars Inn. It was such an amazing celebration and remains one of my favorite wedding days to date!! I was thrilled when they contacted me earlier this year to let me know they were expecting a baby girl - I couldn't wait to capture them together as a family of three.
Earlier this fall I met Jayme and Cory at their beautiful home to photograph their newest addition. It was so nice to catch up and have this sweet couple in front of my camera again!! I'm so thankful for clients who trust me to capture their lives long after the wedding day!! What a joy to celebrate life's milestones with photography!! Here are a few of my favorite images from our time together. Congratulations Jayme & Cory!!
Hybrid Session | 5dMarkIII & EOS-1V | Kodak Portra 800 | Processed by The Find Lab
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Joanne & Willie helped me close out the 2017 season with a bang!! They were my last engagement session of the year and it was the perfect way to celebrate the end of another wonderful season!! Getting married on the Cape next year, Joanne and Willie picked the North End for their engagement, a place where they spend a lot of time together as a couple and with Joanne's family. We focused on the waterfront area with it's charm and history as soft, fall light enveloped the couple. It was so much fun getting to know Joanne and Willie better and seeing them together as a couple!! I can't wait to celebrate with them next summer, until then enjoy some of my favorites from their session!!
Hybrid Session | 5dMarkIII & EOS-1V | Fuji 400h | Processed by The Find Lab
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It's hard to believe that another season is winding down to an end. Jessica and Sean were one of my last engagement sessions of the year and I could't have asked for a better couple to spend it with!! This sweet couple will be tying the knot next fall and they really wanted their engagement session to reflect this colorful time of year. And while the foliage wasn't the most spectacular, we managed to find a few pockets of brightly colored leaves!! Jessica & Sean chose Jamaica Pond where they spend much of their time together and where they have created many memories. I hope we were able to add another reason for them to love this part of the city!! Enjoy some of my fave images!!
Hybrid Session | 5dMarkIII & EOS-1V | Fuji 400h | Processed by The Find Lab
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I knew when I first met Tish & Obie for their engagement session this past spring I knew that their wedding would be one for the books!! And what a celebration it was, a perfect reflection of this sweet couple. Tish loves penguins and so it was only fitting that they get married at the Boston Aquarium in front of the penguin enclosure. Obie loves Star Wars and of course R2D2 stood in as their ring bearer. The day was filled with unique touches and lots of love for this adored couple. Enjoy some of my favorite images!
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After our struggle with miscarriage and infertility, to find out that we were expecting this past spring was such a surprise. We were a mix of excited, apprehensive and how the heck did this happen? We had just come to a place emotionally, spiritually and mentally where we had accepted our family the way it was and we were at peace. Then came the surprise of all surprises and we found ourselves dreaming about the future as a family of four again.
I knew that having a maternity session to celebrate this gift of our baby girl would be really important to us. We wanted a session to celebrate our relationship (11 years of marriage!), our family of three, the anticipation of our second baby and to remember the struggle we endured the past two years of infertility.
When it came time to choose a photographer I knew just who I wanted to help us document this time in life. I have long admired Beth's work, particularly her film work and fell in love with the soft, romantic feel of her images. I was so thankful she was available and excited to photograph our maternity session and all the stars aligned for a fall session at our favorite place, Crane Beach this past October.
Thank you Beth for helping us capture this time in life together. These images mean the world to us and we just cannot thank you enough for the gift you've given us!! Here are some of our favorites :)
All images by Elizabeth LaDuca Photography
Hair & Makeup by Hair That Moves
Dress from ASOS
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It's hard to believe that Jennifer & Nate's wedding has come and gone!! It feels like just yesterday we wandering the harbor walk together for their engagement session and now I'm blogging their wedding!! These two love to have fun and their wedding day reflected their zest for life. Carefree, stylish and FUN would be the words I'd sue to describe their day. Oh and throw in a penguin or two ;) Jennifer and Nate chose the Boston Aquarium to host their day, a unique and entertaining experience for their guests who mingled amongst the fish and penguins during cocktail hour. They were given a beautiful fall day, the perfect weather!! It was a magical day for sure!! Enjoy some of my favorites from their wedding day!!
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What can I say about this beautiful family?! I have had the joy of knowing Aubrey for many years now (how is that even possible?) and documenting her growing family year after year. After our session together this year, I went back and looked through the images we've taken together. It has been amazing to watch as her darling baby boy has grown into a sweet kiddo and as they welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world. For this year's session we met at the idyllic Wright Locke Farm on a beautiful fall morning. We wandered the property as the kids explored to their hearts content. It was a joy to help them celebrate another year together with photography. I'm so grateful for the clients and families who value the importance photography and ask me to help them document the meaningful moments of life together!! Enjoy some of my faves!!
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I first met Shannon & Ryan at Lauren and Marshall's wedding last year, so when they contacted me about their September wedding the following year I was thrilled!! It's almost hard to believe that their wedding day has come and gone - and what a day it was!! Shannon chose a palette of pinks and deep blue which fit perfectly for their industrial inspired day. It was a joy to celebrate alongside the happy couple as well as with their family and loved ones. They truly are a beloved couple!! Enjoy some of my favorites from their day!!
Creative Team
Reception : Mill 1 at Open Square
Gown : Allure
Shoes : Mark Fisher
Makeup & Hair : Ochoa Salon & Spa
Catering : Red Roof Catering
Entertainment : Floyd Patterson Band
Rockstar Second Photographer : Laura Widness
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